cerita the time traveler's wife da kuar ek???
nape sy x tau ni???
punah sudah harapan nak tgk cite yg best ni...
tape2....in two weeks time misi mencari dvd cetak rompak akan bermula..meuehe
tp mcm mane bole terlepas ek???
ni semua final exam plus fyp punye pasal....
hampehs la...
actually sy da dgr lame psl cerita ni...
dr sebelum jadi movie lg....
i mean the movie sebenarnya diadaptasi dr novel with the same name...
dan mostly semua org yg da baca novel ni will totally give a positive feedback...
mase tu ade jugak pasang angan2 nak baca novel die...tp dlm hati slalu kata nantila dulu....sbb sekarang ni pun mmg x pernah bace novel2 yg pjg2...mostly sy baca cecelia ahern's dgn little black dress's jek..(ehhe..novel ringan je sy layan ahhhh)
lepas tuh tup tup mase naik rapid ade kuar trailer cerita ni....
tp mcm x nak amek pot sgt sbb slalunye diorg ni mmg akan kuarkan trailer awl2 sbb nak promote...so sy mmg xdela nak take note ke ape ke tarikh cerita ni nak kuar...
pastuh..td mase merayap blog blogger laen...die kate die da pegi tgk pun cerita ni...
and the entry pun was like about 2-3 days ago(???)
huh..lagila buat sy rase diri ni mcm ketinggalan GILER!
cerita the time traveler's wife da kuar ek???
nape sy x tau ni???
punah sudah harapan nak tgk cite yg best ni...
tape2....in two weeks time misi mencari dvd cetak rompak akan bermula..meuehe
tp mcm mane bole terlepas ek???
ni semua final exam plus fyp punye pasal....
hampehs la...
actually sy da dgr lame psl cerita ni...
dr sebelum jadi movie lg....
i mean the movie sebenarnya diadaptasi dr novel with the same name...
dan mostly semua org yg da baca novel ni will totally give a positive feedback...
mase tu ade jugak pasang angan2 nak baca novel die...tp dlm hati slalu kata nantila dulu....sbb sekarang ni pun mmg x pernah bace novel2 yg pjg2...mostly sy baca cecelia ahern's dgn little black dress's jek..(ehhe..novel ringan je sy layan ahhhh)
lepas tuh tup tup mase naik rapid ade kuar trailer cerita ni....
tp mcm x nak amek pot sgt sbb slalunye diorg ni mmg akan kuarkan trailer awl2 sbb nak promote...so sy mmg xdela nak take note ke ape ke tarikh cerita ni nak kuar...
pastuh..td mase merayap blog blogger laen...die kate die da pegi tgk pun cerita ni...
and the entry pun was like about 2-3 days ago(???)
huh..lagila buat sy rase diri ni mcm ketinggalan GILER!

(sy yg kesedihan sdg meratapi situasi ketinggalan zaman x dpt tgk cerita ini....huh...)
so here's a quick review
Director : Rober Schwentke
Genre : Dramas
Henry (Eric Bana) suffers from a genetic infliction that causes him to spontaneously travel in time. He could end up in the past or the future, there's no telling, but oftentimes he does return to some of the same spots. One such spot is a meadow where he meets Clare (Rachel McAdams) at a young age, and knowing how things turn out in the future he gives her clues as to when he'll be back again. The two eventually get married and the film follows the complications Henry's predicament causes in their lives.
tooth note : next week da nak kena present fyp, tp project ade lg 20% x siap..perlu ke tebalkan muke jumpa Pn Mashi mtk tlg die tgkkan system????perlu???perlu???
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