"Another infinite fascinating movie to blow off your mind"
Who likes Tim Burton's movies here?Rise up your hand please. OK. Hand down. Do you know that his upcoming movie will be released next year?(hell yeah!) Alice in wonderland is the title (only it's an adaptation from the previous classic movie of Alice in Wonderland to be exact) Lead by the oscar-winning actor, Johny Depp, I've a feeling it's gonna be real tantalizing. My friend and I had a short chat over ym when I told her bout the movie and guess what she replied -- owh, tim burton yg slalu buat cite hantu2 tu eh..hekk..Ok la fine..cerita die mmg dari dulu akan involve corpse, walking skeletons and all, but isnt that great? (well at least I DO considered those things as kinda cute sbb sy mmg x suke cite2 cintan cintun plus there are no other directors who's dare enough to make movies with such genre because I know they are all are not as imaginative as Burton -- Mr Burton do bank-in rm2.5k into my account sbb sy da puji2 anda dlm blog serabut ni). Starting with Beetlejuice (I still remember watching it for the very first time during childhood together with the other siblings) and Edward the Scissorhands (which is by far my fav movie of all time) next comes Sleepy Hollow before Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street and The Corpse Bride which comes right after Batman and Batman Returns. There are still some of his movies that I never had a chance to watch or don't even have any idea out of it especially his short works such as "Vincent" and "Freekenweenie". But still I gotta say all his works are truly extraordinary and phenomenal.So here's a sneak preview of Alice in Wonderland (hopefully the movie isnt gonna be such HUGE dissapointment mcm new moon).
Title : Alice in Wonderland
Director : Tim Burton
Genre : Adventure, Family, Fantasy
Release Date : March 5, 2010 (USA)
Cast : Johny Depp, Mia Wasikowska, Anne Hathaway
Synopsis : *cant find much about it, later maybe, or u can just read through the novel i guess.
Director : Tim Burton
Genre : Adventure, Family, Fantasy
Release Date : March 5, 2010 (USA)
Cast : Johny Depp, Mia Wasikowska, Anne Hathaway
Synopsis : *cant find much about it, later maybe, or u can just read through the novel i guess.

tooth note: owh, did i mentioned the beauty of this fantasy film is that it'll be released in 3D with sound quality of the IMAX Experience with IMAX DMR tech???now you're getting more excited aren't u?yeah me too!
apa kata kita sama-sama link.... once u link.. i will do the same thanks....