Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha to all muslim bloggers out there!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
. Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha .
Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha to all muslim bloggers out there!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
. no pain no gain .
ok, sedikit update for these past few days
Monday, Nov 23
pegi interview dekat careerxcell which is scheduled to be at 2.30pm, tp sy yg sgt cemerlang ni da tercongok depan ofis die dr pukul 1 lg..hebat x?hebat kan..muehehhe...the interview went well, dan2 tu jugak da tau bole pegi for the next stage,sebenarnya interview smlm x de la formal sgt, sy sendiri x expect interview ni akan jadi sgt x formal,sbb slalu kan kalau interview die mtk nak tgk certs semua,tp yg ni x,die cume nak tgk mini transkrip dgn resume jek,oh btw,yg ni ejen,kirenye dtg interview dekat die sbb nnti nak kena interview dgn mavcap pulak,fyi,it's just an intership programme,tp alang2 da ade peluang y dun sy amek jek kan,at least nnti xde la terdesak sgt2 nak keje ke ape ke,the staffs there are so helpful, drp receptionist die sampai la org yg interview sy and the other candidate,the way diorg ckp pun sgt polite and friendly,ilang terus rase nervous semua,huhu,balik tuh bile da sampai umah nazli call (nazli ni one of the staff kt situ,die la yg bertanggungjawab dan bertanggungsoal utk email,contact n semua2 kalau ade interview invitation dan die pun sgt baek dan friendly dan polite dan sweet dan sy saya pun da tersuka..haha...gedik dowh!) nak bgtau that i'm qualified for the next interview dekat mavcap the next day
Tuesday, Nov 24
Arini ialah ari yg sgt memenatkan dan menyusahkan, ok, never been to KL before, xde la x pernah, i mean mcm pegi each and every place yg ade kt kl tu mmg xpernah, paling jauh penah pegi is KLCC or mid valley, ya mmg sy jakun, selama sy duduk shah alam ni pun kalau xde ape2 atau sape2 yg menghasut pegi bukit raja tu pun sampai kesudah la sy x jejak, sgt jakun bukan? jakun bertempat...hekkk...ok sambung dr cite kt atas td, bile nazli da call ptg tu, letak je sy terus try nak on internet semua, tp sgt bernaseb baek sbb internet ni punye la pandai x boleh nak connect sampai kesudah, so end up pg2 dlm rapid jari jemari ini dgn pantas dan tangkasnya menaip msg utk dihantar kpd kakak yg jauh dimata dekat dihati swuh bukak email amek alamat mavcap semua,once my sis reply, tgk2 tmpt tu kt jln sultan ismail, pikir punye pikir teringat la skola sultan ismail kt jb tuh...muehhehe..gile jauh berangan sampai ke kg halaman (lg skali) saje nak ckp yg sy ni mmg sgt cemerlang..kkhkhakha.....interview yg ni plak was scheduled to be at 10am,tp sy sampai pkul 10.10,cemerlang kan?mase sampai kl sentral pun da pukul 9 jadik mmg kalut2 la kt situh,tp xbole2, insan cemerlang xbole kalut2, nnti ilang ayu,heh!so naik la komuter semua sbb nak turun pegi amek monorail mmg x sempat, jadik mane2 yg sempat tu kiter terjahhhhh jek, siap sesat2 lg x bole xpela kan..skali2 feeling jadi tourist nak sesat2 ape salahnya...sampai je menara bank pembangunan tuh dgn keadaan diri yg mcm x terurus aka anak terbiar,make up mmg da x pkir, kasut pun sy x tukar ganti heels pakai je kasut flat tuh, terus masuk ofis die,dan interview telah berjalan dgn lancar,bile da abes interview semua ade la dlm kul 11++ pastu balik umah terus layan perasaan....muehhee..mase awl2 tu ade jugak terdetik dlm hati just in case sy xdpt keje situh mmg xde nak mengharap ape2 da,kalau dpt alhamdullillah kalau x maknanye xde rezeki,semuanya disebabkan rase bengang kena jln jauh.....penat gile dowh!sampai melecet kaki.....pastu kak zuhurah call ptg td swuh dtg interview (3rd stage) dekat pj next penat x ilang lg weyh!esok nak balik jb,nak tido x nak bgn2 sampai raye aji..muehehhee
tooth note : esok ade inteview lg, but dis time dekat damansara, lg sy jakun xpernah pegi sane naik public transport, slalu ade org baek hati nak bwk kesana,tp tetibe rase malas, mintak postpone nak???ape pun x prepare utk interview yg tu,sbb kali ni siap nak kena buat presentation on assginments,projects semua kt diorg...x suke...x suke....x suke...
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
. blast from the past .
Thursday, November 19, 2009
. tukar ke x tukar .
. mau pegi ke tak payah .
Monday, November 16, 2009
. raksasa datang lagi .
itu encik raksasa lagi mau tunjuk ganas
gile gedik die arini
ape2 jek la
tooth note : taten, aku dgn pah ade nick baru utk ko.....ATOJANG.....cube ko figure out ape maksud die....khakhkahkha
. entry untuk cik taten syg! .
if u read this....
tooth note : iyo la...u know i luv u....xoxo...(hhhhhaaaakkkkkkpppppttttuuuiiiihhhh)
Friday, November 13, 2009
. the end .
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
. hell song .
Monday, November 9, 2009
. ****ing tasks .
I can assure you that!
2 more exam papers to go (which will be on Thurs and Sat)
Extra touch-up on my project development
While next week is going to be penentu-antara-idop-dan-mati day
haha..sounds daunting huh!
. tips of the day #1 .
bet it might be helpful for you too
1) ants problem: keep the skin of cucumbers near the place or ant hole

2) to get pure and clean ice: boil water first before freezing

4) to remove chewing gum from clothes: keep the clothe in freezer for an hour 5) to give a shine to hair (this is absolutely a must-try!): add one teaspoon of vinegar to hair before wash

8) to boil potatoes quickly: skin one potato from one side only before boiling

9) to remove ink from clothes: put toothpaste on the ink spots generously and let ot dry completely, then wash

11) to get rid of mice or rats: sprinkle black pepper in places where you find mice or rats and they'll run away

. too many things too little time .
Sunday, November 8, 2009
. twilight saga new moon .
yg ni insyallah x kan miss...

twilight saga moview review

(ha..yg ni baru poster utk twilight yg nak kuar nnti ni)
. !@#$@#*&^ .
. heeekkkk .
cerita the time traveler's wife da kuar ek???
nape sy x tau ni???
punah sudah harapan nak tgk cite yg best ni... two weeks time misi mencari dvd cetak rompak akan bermula..meuehe
tp mcm mane bole terlepas ek???
ni semua final exam plus fyp punye pasal....
hampehs la...
actually sy da dgr lame psl cerita ni...
dr sebelum jadi movie lg....
i mean the movie sebenarnya diadaptasi dr novel with the same name...
dan mostly semua org yg da baca novel ni will totally give a positive feedback...
mase tu ade jugak pasang angan2 nak baca novel dlm hati slalu kata nantila dulu....sbb sekarang ni pun mmg x pernah bace novel2 yg pjg2...mostly sy baca cecelia ahern's dgn little black dress's jek..(ehhe..novel ringan je sy layan ahhhh)
lepas tuh tup tup mase naik rapid ade kuar trailer cerita ni....
tp mcm x nak amek pot sgt sbb slalunye diorg ni mmg akan kuarkan trailer awl2 sbb nak sy mmg xdela nak take note ke ape ke tarikh cerita ni nak kuar... mase merayap blog blogger laen...die kate die da pegi tgk pun cerita ni...
and the entry pun was like about 2-3 days ago(???)
huh..lagila buat sy rase diri ni mcm ketinggalan GILER!

(sy yg kesedihan sdg meratapi situasi ketinggalan zaman x dpt tgk cerita ini....huh...)
so here's a quick review
Director : Rober Schwentke
Genre : Dramas
Henry (Eric Bana) suffers from a genetic infliction that causes him to spontaneously travel in time. He could end up in the past or the future, there's no telling, but oftentimes he does return to some of the same spots. One such spot is a meadow where he meets Clare (Rachel McAdams) at a young age, and knowing how things turn out in the future he gives her clues as to when he'll be back again. The two eventually get married and the film follows the complications Henry's predicament causes in their lives.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
. the holiday .

(ha....die ni la yg ajak saya minum hot chocolate same2 tuh..hahaha)
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
. kawan ini .

. jakun + movie review .
last time mase pegi tgk papadom ade la kuar trailer cite ni dan nampak mcm sgt best dan suddenly terus over excited nak pegi tgk bile da kuar nnti

so here's a quick review on the movie (copied from wiki)
Director : James Cameron
Genre : Sci-Fi
The story’s protagonist, Jake Sully (Sam Worthington), is a former who was wounded and paralyzed from the waist down in combat on Earth. Jake is selected to participate in the Avatar program, which will enable him to walk. Jake travels to Pandora, a lush jungle-covered extraterrestrial moon filled with incredible life forms, some beautiful, many terrifying. Pandora is also home to the Na’vi, a sentient humanoid race, who are considered primitive, yet are more physically capable than humans. Standing three meters tall (approximately 10 feet), with tails and sparkling blue skin, the Na’vi live in harmony with their unspoiled world. As humans encroach deeper into Pandora's forests in search of valuable minerals, the Na’vi unleash their formidable warrior abilities to defend their threatened existence.
(nak bace lebey carik sendiri eh)
tooth note : the blue alien is one of the reason that makes me totally excited to go and watch the movie!
. when blogging temptation hit me .
saya memang ketinggalan zaman
ye saya tau itu
tp xpe kan???
org laen semua da start blogging like ages ago
tp saya baru arini nak terhegeh hegeh nak sign up dekat blogspot segala
there's always a first start for everything